Saturday, January 14, 2012

I Like Questions

   I don't know about anyone else, but I get to the point where I really don't want answers. Sometimes I just prefer to ask the questions and ponder. I like to live the question. At least for a while. I think it is the journeying to the answer that brings the deepest and the most lasting satisfaction. We need to get to our own answers, in our own time and in our own way. But while we do that, it is nice to have the company of others who are journeying as well.
   And, as Bestie 1 points out, it is always better to have ones sense of humor in tact while journeying.
I seem to have misplaced mine, though, today. And anyway, the answer is always the same, isn't it Bestie? You are right. I must give it to God....and keep on living the questions as best as I can.
---Bestie 2

Monday, January 9, 2012

Problem Solved...

Until Bestie has this figured out...

Posted by Bestie 1...

I have reminded myself many, many times over that the quickest way to stop worrying and solve the problem is to give it up to God. 

I don't listen to myself like I should. My life has proven many times over, though, that this is indeed the way to go. I sent it skyward(so to speak) and I do feel relief and a noticeable lightness. My sense of humor is back.

Thank goodness--because I missed it.